Friday, the 5th of August, 2014

The past two weeks have been the very busiest weeks I have had since church work at Christmas. The shows which I took part in the creative team and sung on-stage in the show destroyed my health. I harboured a hacking cough and a cold to match the congestion created with the cough. Despite this, the shows were a success, despite having rather less audience than the director expected, everything run smoothly, like a freshly oiled lock. So after the last show, we drank champagne, packed our bags, and the cast and orchestra all parted ways to potentially never to see each other again. Friendships built up over the past few weeks now seem a distant past but we all felt unity by the final act of the final matinee, all united over the final cadence, only to leave the blacked out stage never to return again.

Another change in my life took place, I decided to move house. Moving from the outer city, I moved north, past all the towns I visited in my youth, going by train to the city where I went to university. Passing field upon field of green and gold of the summer turning into the dark golds that are found in the abundance of autumn, I pictured all the music I had written in my old house. Saying goodbye to the old house, despite its clear emptiness, was emotional and tear-ridden; and I could barely keep the tears running down my cheeks as I checked every room, now seeing empty cupboard and empty room ringing with the loudest silence I have ever experienced. I left the house and pulled the key from my pocket to the front door for the last time, locked the door, gave the house one last glance, turned on my heel and left the street, my memories and past behind me.

 I turned up at my new inner city house in this northern city with a suitcase, my few possessions following in a small rented van with my father; in the early afternoon. After having unpacked, my father left and I was left to my own devices. With nothing other to do for the day, I decided to walk round the town. I visited the market square, with its huge market building and dome imposing over the city skyline; visiting the churches where I sang and practiced the organ in my youth.

Later, after I had returned home, and shut the door after having watched the sun dip under the skyline; I realised all I had achieved in my life had led to this point. It was time for a new start, and now it has arrived. Time to do the things I couldn't do before, and meet new people and form new circles. I started to make my way up the stairs to bed after a very long day - my life had just re-begun.

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